Setup Gitlab Project
As a user or product owner, I should be able to create a new issue under Issues in the nav bar, so that I can either report a bug or request a feature.
As a developer or product owner, I should be able to use the Gitlab scrum board found under Issues > Boards in the nav bar.
As a developer, I should be able to clone and push commits to the repo (only via new branches) so that I can work on new features or bug fixes.
Acceptance Criteria
Epics and initial stories are created -
Permissions are checked to ensure appropriate access and branch protection -
Other project cosmetics implemented in Gitlab -
Test pushing new commits to branches and opening merge requests (aka PRs or MRs) -
Test board setup under Issues > Boards -
Test issue creation -
Code License -
Code Style guide (Lint rules)
#13 (closed):
Criteria moved to-
Project README is updated for new developers
Edited by Jacob Minock